1Q® Trademarks and Patents

1Q® is obsessed with innovation and the creation of new processes and tools that set us apart in providing the highest quality data in the market research industry. The following Trademarks and Patents are evidence of this relentless pursuit of new ideas and new technology.


Radically Simple Reach®
Radically Simple!®
Know Now®
Radical Simplicity!®
Data That Talks Back®
Radical TransparencyTM


Patent No. 11715122
Patent No. 11689931
Patent No. 11514111
Patent No. 11080731
Patent No. 11017413
Patent No. 10885535
Patent No. 10387786
Patent No. 10140579
Patent No. 9965556
Patent No. 9894077
CA Patent File No. 2,865,865

1Q® is a mobile research platform featuring software for use conducting online market research and polling that arms companies with candid consumer feedback and real-time insights for just $1 per response.

The marks shown above are trademarks of 1Q®, LLC. All rights reserved.