40% Fraudulent Responses... REALLY?

Are you ok with bot responses in YOUR research?

1Q is the only certified Bot-Free market research platform.

Bots and fraudsters are breaking market research.

Bots have been compromising market research for years, and with AI, it’s getting worse. Skyrocketing attacks are driving survey fraud figures up to 40 percent and rising, jeopardizing research outcomes for everyone, large and small. No one is immune.

Attacks occur when bots discover publicly visible surveys, often provided by third-party panel providers, and flood them with fake responses for financial gain. Despite the preponderance of fraud, this distribution method is still used by most market research providers – and it’s perpetuating the problem.

You should always know who your respondents are and how they were recruited! We are Radically Transparent® about who our 1 million consumers are and how we recruited and verified them.

C-suite leaders, investors, and Boards of Directors count on their insights and market research teams to deliver reliable data that informs strategic decisions. When that data is garbage, so are the decisions and results that can follow.

Our respect for truth inspired us to create a radically different kind of market research company.

1Q was designed with a proprietary panel model that we’ve grown to more than 1 million verified indi-viduals. Questions are sent directly to opted-in members, only when chosen by our customers and algorithms, so bots never have a chance to scam the system. And professional survey takers have no ability to fraudulently fill out survey after survey at will, because our surveys are not published. Our members never know when a question will be coming, and neither do the bots.


1Q has SOLVED the data fraud problem!

Thanks to our proprietary technology and platform design, we have no bots or professional survey takers. Period! And we can prove it.

According to cybersecurity firm Avertium, “1Q was able to effectively exhibit security controls that provide the best available protection against Bot compromise. These controls are fully implemented through policy, procedure, and operational practice.”

No bots. No contracts. No minimums. No kidding.

Zero Data Fraud and Elevated Data Quality

Beyond data fraud, we’re also committed to data quality and it’s evident in our results. While no one can guarantee 100% data quality, we take more steps than any other company. Not only do we replace poor quality responses for free, we obsessively culti- vate our proprietary member base and validate responses to promote consistently high response quality in the first place, through:

• Random validity tests
• Proprietary member behavior analysis for average response time and length
• Multiple direct and third-party verification steps
• No tolerance member deletion policy
• Transparent, fair, and immediate member payment
• Targeting the same members through our algorithm no more than a handful of times per month to avoid incentivizing “professional” survey-taking

Hundreds of top brands are using 1Q for bot-free research.

1Q is the only platform that will provide you with immediate, candid responses, with the confidence of zero data fraud. Our cost is always $1 per response with no hidden fees, contracts, or upfront expenses. Truth is our highest company value, and it’s something that guides our decision making daily. Shouldn’t it be yours too?