Real Voters.
Real Insights.
In real time.

Elevate your strategy with 1Q's public opinion polling prowess.

We put the power of immediate voter/consumer feedback in your hands, helping you chart a course through the political landscape and gain a deeper understanding of voter sentiment, emerging trends, and societal shifts.


High Quality Proprietary Voter Panel

Our proprietary panel of over 600k voters across the United States has been validated using U.S. voter files, cell phone numbers, IP address, home address and more.


Instant Responses

Results are available in minutes, NOT days or weeks! 1Q has the fastest responses in the industry. You can even ask open ended questions that illicit longer form feedback, for deeper understanding.


Preset Demographic Filtering

You can filter by political party, race, gender, religion, income, marital status, home ownership, employment status and more.



Target based on where people live, where they are right now, where they have been in the past and where they will be in the future. Ability to target by state/city/zip/county or congressional district, at no additional cost!


Transparent Pricing

Get voter input with minimal investment. Each question is only $1 per response. If you want to ask 200 people a question, it’s only $200. There are no contracts required and no minimum spend commitment.


Infinite Ability to Recontact Respondents

Follow-up with respondents anytime, as many times as you need. Recontact rates are typically 90%+ within 1 year.


Option to Do-It-Yourself or Do-It-Together

Our user friendly interface can be entirely self-service. Questions can be sent immediately with no review process or waiting required. Or, additional support can be provided for those wanting help with questionnaire development or survey set up.


One Click Data Downloads

Easily export all of your data into Excel or PowerPoint files for further analysis or presentation purposes.


Real-Time Analytics

Watching the pins drop instantly as citizens answer questions is the best part of working with 1Q. Results can be viewed and filtered using our interactive dashboard immediately.

Know Now®

Get started today

“1Q is revolutionizing the political polling industry. No one has the ability to get instantaneous learning from verified voters at the speed 1Q does, with the quality of responses.”

- Michael Munz, Experienced Public Policy Leader

How 1Q Works


Send polling questions to specific audiences based on their voter profile, demographics, location, and other profiling information.


Audience receive messages and respond in real-time--then get paid instantly.


Immediately view, analyze, and slice the data to inform decisions.

Follow Up

When follow-up questions arise instantly recontact the same participants.


Political Polling Platform

Data-Driven Decision Making, Informed by Voters

1Q’s polling provides real-time and accurate data on political sentiment/public opinion and real-time responses to specific questions, allowing campaigns to make informed decisions efficiently and effectively. Whether it’s adjusting campaign strategies, investment decisions, or overall communication tactics, when a campaign has access to up-to-date political insights it can be a game-changer. 1Q has a national panel of 600k registered voters, verified using national voter file data, ready to answer your organization’s questions right now.

Advanced Public Policy Understanding

Political events and policies can have a significant impact on the populace. 1Q’s polling can help campaigns understand how political dynamics are influencing voter behavior and opinions in real time, enabling them to adapt and seize opportunities as they arise.

Political Risk Mitigation

Political volatility can pose risks to any campaigns. By staying informed through 1Q's polling process, consultants, candidates, campaign leaders and staff can better assess sentiment and have a clearer understanding of the voters' reactions to what is happening in the nation and the world today.

Where Data Meets Democracy

$1 per response

No contracts. No Minimums. No Kidding.