Know Now®
No Contract Platform

No contracts, no minimums, no hidden fees. With 1Q, you get real results and real support when you need it without any extra hassles.

Quality Feedback in Real-Time

With 1Q you can get trusted, quality feedback quickly with real-time responses from a panel of verified individuals. You will get the insights you need, at the cost and convenience that you want!

No Contracts

Engaging with 1Q couldn’t be easier thanks to no contracts, no long-term costs, and no costly upfront expenses. You will get all of the incredible features, data, analytics, and support you need without any additional commitments or fees.

Why 1Q is Above the Rest

Unlike many other platforms, 1Q has no contract and no minimums so you can use the platform how you want, when you want, without any unnecessary costs and commitments. 

Info you need, exactly how you want it

1Q is a highly beneficial platform for everyone who engages- there is no need to choose between plans. Our services are offered to everyone without any commitments, contracts, or unnecessary hidden fees.

Simple Steps to Implement

Engaging with 1Q is easy and its impacts are immediate. Plus, it is simple to set up and use so you get the results you need without any hassel.


Incredible Numbers

Panel Members

Our unique member panel is nationally representative and growing daily.

Points of Interest

Storefronts available for specific shopping targeting


To Complete a Survey

Number of minutes, on average, to receive results.

Blog Post: Customer Demographics 101 & The Importance of Demographics in Business

What is customer demographics and how can it impact your business in a significant way

$1 per response.

No contracts. No minimums. No kidding.

Know Now.®