Know Now®
Product Trial and Usage

Effortlessly orchestrate product trials with 1Q. Seamlessly dispatch products to your intended users and garner invaluable feedback to help impact your business in the right way.

Invaluable, Pertinent Data

Instant replies, infinite recontact capabilities, and surveying sans bots – these are just a glimpse into why countless top-tier brands rely on 1Q for their market research requirements. When you choose 1Q, you're at the helm, and we're your steadfast allies, committed to helping you secure the valuable, trustworthy insights you seek.


Multiple Ways To Solicite Feedback

With 1Q you can either qualify them and then send your product to respondents' homes for trial, or you can have them purchase, prove the purchase through photo validation, and reimburse them all inside the platform. You can even validate usage by having them show photos of them trying the product. Afterwards, you can solicit any form of feedback you wish such as multiple choice answers or longer-form qualitative responses.

Connect With Who You Want, Whenever You Want, Wherever You Want

 With 1Q, you hold the reins to connect with whomever, wherever, and whenever you please. Our expansive and diverse pool of respondents, representing the nation, facilitates effortless engagement with any customer segment you have your eyes on. You can even target retail locations for users that typically shop at, or are shopping at that location in that instant. For example, you could target all people shopping in a Target or Walmart, at that moment, and get instant feedback on your product on the shelf.

Easy, Effective, & Efficient

ZestyZ came to 1Q on their own and was able to set up and run their surveys easily and independently. 

Incredible Numbers

Panel Members

Our unique member panel is nationally representative and growing daily.

Points of Interest

Storefronts available for specific shopping targeting


To Complete a Survey

Number of minutes, on average, to receive results.

Blog Post: How Product Survey Questions Can Boost Your Business

Product satisfaction survey questions provide your business with honest feedback from real consumers.

Blog Post: How To Analyze Survey Data: Where to Start

Learn how to analyze your consumers survey data

Blog Post: Why Public Opinion Research Could Transform Your Business

Learn more about the importance of this research

$1 per response.

No contracts. No minimums. No kidding.

Know Now.®