America’s Authoritarian Governor
Georgia had an early surge of the virus, and now cases are spiking again. Brian Kemp has refused to learn a thing.
Read MoreCoronavirus Georgia Survey Results – 7/31/20
With the pandemic continuing to spread across America, 1Q revisited our home state of Georgia, which moved ahead of New Jersey into the top five states in America for total cases this week. In addition to checking in on questions asked of Georgians in April and May, we asked some topical questions about mask wearing…
Read MoreSurvey Finds Most Floridians Think It’s Important to Wear Masks in Restaurants
For its new survey, 1Q, a digital research firm, tracked responses from 500 people in Florida. According to their analysis, 54.4% of Floridians think it’s “very” important to wear a mask in a restaurant; another 26.8% think it’s “somewhat” important.
Read MoreTexans Wear Masks At Lower Rates Than Elsewhere
According to new national and state surveys taken on Monday and published by leading market research platform 1Q, findings show fewer Texans (64%) wear masks “always” or “often” compared to the national average (67%), and much less than other large states hit by the pandemic, including Florida (71%), California (84%), and New York (85%).
Read MorePoll Shows Texans Lax on Masks
Market research company 1Q surveyed people in the four biggest states, California, New York, Texas and Florida. It found 85 and 84% of New Yorkers and Californians respectively always or often wore masks- 84% when outside, the number dropped down to 71% in Florida and 64% in Texas.
Read MoreConsumers Largely In Favor of Masks, Survey Finds
A recent state and national poll revealed that consumers are overwhelmingly in favor of wearing masks in restaurants and bars.
Read MoreRestaurants With Closed Dining Rooms Win Clearance for Outdoor Seating
The market research service firm 1Q found in its survey that 48% of respondents cited outdoor seating as the element that would make them feel safest about dining out again.
Read MoreCustomer Concerns as Restaurants Reopen
1Q, a market research platform, and QSR crafted a series of questions to examine consumer sentiment as restaurants continue to reopen across the country.
Read MoreAtlanta Startup 1Q Pays Consumers to Answer Questions
Data has been called the oil of the digital age, and advertisers are eager to get their hands on it. Atlanta-based 1Q wants in on the data boom. 1Q’s aim is to disrupt market research by connecting companies directly with consumers, allowing them to ask questions about their interests, preferences and inclinations.
Read MoreStealthy Atlanta Startup Quietly Builds Portfolio of Prominent Investors and Fortune 1,000 Customers
“1Q is the most disruptive market research/polling engine that I have seen. Its ease of use and instant response capability is unique in the space,” says David Ratcliffe, former chairman and CEO of Southern Company and 1Q investor. “It’s refreshing to see a startup intently focused on building its business, rather than spinning its wheels…
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